Individual and Group Therapy
The provider and staff work alongside the individual to develop a plan of care that is tailored to the person, taking a person-centered approach to treatment. This allows the individual to be in control of their treatment, statistically leading to better outcomes.
Urine Drug Screens
Urine Drug Screens are collected based on the frequency that you participate in services to aid in accountability and to promote healthy recovery.
MAT (Medicated Assisted Treatment
MAT medications such as Suboxone, Sublocade, and Naltrexone are utilized to not only cease the symptoms of withdrawal but also as part of a holistic approach to sobriety.
Targeted Case Management
Targeted Case Management services are furnished to assist a client in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, or other needed services and supports, including assessment of the client's medical, social, and functional status and identification of the client's strengths and needs.
Mental and Behavioral Health Therapy
Mental and Behavioral Health Therapy focuses on behavioral changes and talk therapy. By reinforcing positive, adaptive behaviors and thought patterns the individual can learn new skills that promote a healthy lifestyle. We utilize multiple modalities to aid the individual in the process of a successful recovery such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.